Saturday, August 20, 2011

Willis Tower, Chicago, Illinois

The largest building in the USA post-9/11. Formerly known as Sears Tower, but with an incredible view of the city known as "The Ledge." Just don't get there when its cloudy.

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Union Station, Chicago, Illinois

Ah the days when trains were the way to travel. Now, the buildings sit almost empty. But the beautiful columns and construction still amaze visitors.

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Sunday, August 14, 2011

National Mississippi River Museum, Dubuque, Iowa

More interesting than it sounds

Fenelon Place Elevator Company, Dubuque, Iowa

A bit scary but it holds....

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Herbert Hoover Presidential Grave, West Branch, Iowa

They're trying to spin that he was more than just the Great Depression...

Iowa 80 Truck Stop, Walcott, Iowa

They claim it is the World's Largest Truck Stop, complete with on-site dentist.